Drawing from ancient wisdom and the knowledge that consciousness and ascension is on the way to forming a New Earth and a new way of being; we are operating on the basis of fifth dimensional living. Therefore, we offer you the gift of a few days away from the fast pace of life “out there” trusting that we can continue to meet our upkeep, mortgage, utilities etc., with the generosity of your gifts.

          We understand that this is an unusual concept and that many of our guests are more comfortable when they have an idea of the average donation we receive for each accommodation.

          We, therefore, share with you this guideline(Price is per room):

  • the Protection Room, the average donation is $110.00, sleeps 3.
  • the Balance and Nurture, the average donation is $90, sleeps 2
  • the Inspiration Room, the average donation is $95, sleeps 2.
  • the Courage Room, is $80, the single private.

We believe that no one should be turned away because of money. At the same time, we honor the law of balance of giving and receiving. For this reason, we will offer a work/exchange program beginning in 2020. This includes short-term stays at the Cub House (maximum 3 days) from Sunday through Thursday of each week during May, June, July, August, and October. In exchange for the stay, we require 3 hours of work for each night’s lodging. Since most of the work is cleaning, gardening, landscaping, or clearing land, guests should be in good physical condition. We can accommodate up to two work/trade guests at a time.
We work on an honor system and don’t usually require a deposit from individual guests. We ask that you give us as much advance notice as possible so that we can make accommodations available for other guests. We do not accept future reservations from guests who have not canceled and simply do not show up.
We accept cash, credit card, pay-pal, and e-transfers. We also accept designated gifts for our building/improvement projects.

Make a Reservation